Friday, September 01, 2006

Well it looks as though we have yet another state finally getting things in order to dash yet another cable monopoly. With California legislators looking to pass a franchise bill it seems as though more and more people are seeing that more choices and equal opportunities bode well for everybody.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

As I was driving home from work today I realized that I was beginning to reach that point in my gas tank where I'd need to start thinking about filling up, but as I was about to pull into my neighborhood I saw something that just about made me stop right there in the middle of the street. It was a gas station, but something was different...gas for under $2.70/gallon, could it really be? Now I realize that prices have been coming down, but the before today the lowest I'd seen around here was about $2.89. Well, needless to say, I filled up right then and there. After a little research I've found that gas prices have, on average for this area, come down a little more than 10 cents in the past week alone; in the past month its down nearly 35 cents, pretty amazing if you ask me. But, it does kind of make me wonder how long we've been padding oil executives' pockets. Either way this is a good thing for all of us unfortunate enough to a part of this disaster we call DC traffic.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

With costs of Verizon's Fiber Optic Assault on America reaching nearly $2000 per house there is no question they are hoping for positive results. Based on reactions by the cable 'superpowers' across the country; cutting prices, offering new deals and specials, adding various discounted bundles, they are only proving the point I've been making all along, competition equals consumer benefit. And you thought assaults were only bad things.