Friday, July 14, 2006

I believe that I have found the solution to all the problems we're having here. Ok, first off we'll just get rid of the internet, I'm sure that everyone still enjoys actually getting a real letter once in a while. Secondly, lets just toss out our television sets, I'm sure if we all watched less TV we'd cut back on this "growing waistband of America" that people keep talking about. My third and final idea, we might as well just ditch out phone systems too, I mean who really talks on the phone anyways. So, if we do all of that then the disagreement between MC and Verizon, and similar problems around the country wouldn't really mean much anymore now would they. Now, who really thinks that’s all going to happen? I didn't think so. But seriously, what is the worst thing that could happen? Either Verizon could fail and things would go back to how they were, or they'd do well and the consumer would have a healthy market of choice to pick from. So why keep causing such a fuss, I'll sum it up in one word, money. Just think, if new inventions like Verizon's FiOS had been stifled throughout history we wouldn't be able to throw out our TV’s, because we wouldn't have them

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

While all across the country states are finally realizing that competition is good for the consumer; New Jersey, Tampa and Long Island, have all approved state franchising agreements earlier this year, so why are there are still people trying to stall the rolling out of an open competition? With Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco vetoing a cable franchise reform bill that would have established a statewide standard for all providers, and Montgomory County still dragging their feet. It seems as though, that if they were truely working in the interest of the consumer, they would have seen similar bills going into effect, and working quite well, and realized that maybe this isn't such a bad thing. How long are they going to be allowed to continue with these shenanigans? Hopefully before my bill for basic cable goes above the $100 mark.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Why is Montgomery County fighting so hard against approving a franchise agreement for Verizon? MediaPost Publications has reported,
"Verizon needs to show that FiOS is worthwhile to local officials--from an investment and consumer point of view. While its state-of-the-art fiber optic system is faster and offers more high-definition channels, some counties are balking that the service is not that much better than existing cable systems."

Verizon has proven, again and again, that they are willing to offer a superior, yet competative product; being approved in counties across the state, but now there are counties questioning if they can offer a better product? It's stupid, nothing but a shameless ploy to delay an agreement with Verizon.