Knowing that Verizon is deadlock in redtape with Montgomery county, as well as others around the US, it kind of makes me wonder about what all the fuss is actually about. Is this really about people clammoring about how Verizon is forcing themselves somewhere they don't belong?
While it is good to see that some progress is being made, while slow it may be it is still getting somewhere. I still find it to be somewhat amusing that their defense for not allowing some kind of agreement is that it would be unfair to the consumers. Now how does that work? It could hurt the people by allowing them a choice? I'm not sure I follow the logic on that one. Personally speaking, I can't wait to be able to choose. I have no problem paying more, as long as its for a superior product. If Verizon is willing to step up to the challenge of proving itself as the better alternative, why shouldn't we let them. Lets make the decsion for ourselves, isn't that what America was based on? The freedom to choose.
Unfortunately, right now the only choice I have is either internet or no internet, and personally I'm not quite yet willing to do drop it so, until something else shows up for my cable or internet I suppose I'll have no choice but to just continue on paying my small fortune of bill every month and hope for the best.